Copyright 2025 by Rex Instruments 201401004426 (1080500-W) | Thermal Imaging Camera Johor Bahru (JB), Malaysia
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Hawk Measurement Sultan Sonar System for Submerged Interface Level Measurement

Hawk Measurement Sultan Sonar System for Submerged Interface Level Measurement

Product Description

Sultan Sonar System for Submerged Interface Level Measurement
The HAWK Sultan Sonar uses Advanced Sonar Technology to measure and control Waste Water Clarifiers and Thickeners. The system is easy to use and the innovative design provides critical plant control to optimize performance. In the water, wastewater industry process conditions will vary greatly between a primary sedimentation tank, secondary/final clarifier, and a gravity thickener. Thickener bed levels, secondary RAS blanket, flocculent blanket, etc, all have different densities and the water above these interface levels are subject to different process conditions that change.
Primary Areas of Application:
  • Sewage Plant
  • Channel or Flume
  • Primary Sedimentation —Blanket level
  • Secondary and Final Clarifiers — RAS Blanket layer
  • Sequential Batch Reactors — Blanket monitoring (floating sonar)
  • Lagoons — Sludge Bed Level
  • Lamella Clarifier — Sludge Bed Level
  • Gravity Filtration and Settling
Principle of Operation
To optimize performance in each interface application under all process environments HAWK has developed a powerful low frequency transducer that penetrates through the suspended solids. It is capable of measuring the sludge bed level at the bottom of a clarifier or the lightest flocculent layer. Optimize performance under all process environments in each interface application. HAWK uses one transducer with a frequency and power level that is applicable to the density of the interface and process conditions expected in the tank. HAWK can guarantee performance for controlling pumps etc, rather than for monitoring purposes only.

Why Measure the Bed and FLOC layers?
1) Increases clarifier processing efficiencies
2) Increases thickener and clarifier capacity
3) Produces drier biomass and optimization of sludge dewatering
4) Overflow clarity improvements
5) Reduces process downtime
6) Improves operator efficiencies
  • Improved efficiency and control of the treatment process
  • Fully automated plant systems with reliable sludge blanket level monitoring
  • Advanced warning of biological upset or hydraulic imbalance
  • Reduced maintenance with 5 year cleaning mechanism warranty (no blades to replace)
  • Reduced site operational costs significantly with improved process control for downstream operations
  • Improved health and safety on site with compliance to OSHA regulations (no manual dips required).
Accuracy: +/- 0.25%
Maximum Range: 15m (50ft)
Operating Temp: Remote Electronics -40°C (-40°F) to 80°C (176°F)
Sonar Transducer: -40°C (-40°F) to 50°C (122°F)
Communications: GosHawk, Modbus, HART, Profibus DP, DeviceNet, Foundation Fieldbus, Profibus PA.

Copyright 2025 by Rex Instruments 201401004426 (1080500-W) | Thermal Imaging Camera Johor Bahru (JB), Malaysia
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