Copyright 2024 by Rex Instruments 201401004426 (1080500-W)
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ProComSol develops HART communicators for mobile device software that bridges the gap between HART Protocol devices, allowing for configuration, monitoring, calibrating, and troubleshooting of HART instruments in industrial plants.
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PIE 311Plus Diagnostic RTD & mA Calibrator

PIE 311Plus Diagnostic RTD & mA Calibrator

Product Description

Find Hidden Loop Problems with Ground Leak Detection
If you find a loop where the transmitter is calibrated correctly but all the readings elsewhere in the loop have a fixed offset this is due to a Zero Shift. This zero shift is typically caused by some current in the loop bypassing the transmitter. This might be caused by ground faults, moisture or corrosion.
Turn on Ground Leak Detection and use the PIE 311Plus to power up the loop. Any current that isn’t controlled by the transmitter or other current control element will be indicated as leakage on the calibrator’s display.
  • Two Calibrators in One!
    Calibrate all your RTD instruments AND your milliamp loops with the PIE 311Plus. It has all the functions of a 12 type RTD calibrator and can source 0 to 24 milliamps or simulate a two wire transmitter like a milliamp calibrator. You may also perform stand alone calibrations of two wire transmitters by simultaneously supplying the RTD input signal while supplying the 24 volts to power up the transmitter and monitoring the milliamp output signal. Powers HART™ transmitters with built-in 250 ohm resistor simplifying hookups with HART communicators.
  • Troubleshoot loop problems
    Quickly diagnose ground fault and current leakage with the patented loop diagnostic technology (US Patent# 7,248,058)
  • Calibrate directly in temperature (°C & °F)
    Stop carrying around a decade box and RTD resistance tables. The PIE 311Plus works with the RTDs you use including Platinum 10, 50, 100, 200, 500 & 1000 Ohm (alpha = 3850), Platinum 100 Ohm (alpha = 3902, 3916, 3926), Copper 10 & 50 Ohm, and Nickel 120 Ohm. Or calibrate from 0.000 to 400.000 and 0.00 to 4000.00 Ohms. For RTDs the fixed or pulsed sensor current is measured by the calibrator.
  • Measure RTD sensors
    Trouble shoot sensor connections and find broken wires with patented technology. Connect your two, three or four wire RTDs and the PIE 311Plus automatically detects the connections and measures the RTD in degrees C or F. Secondary display shows the resistance value corresponding to the RTD temperature.
  • Compatible with ALL process instruments
    No competitor’s calibrator is compatible with as many process instruments! Connect directly to the temperature inputs of transmitters, PLCs, DCS & multichannel recorders to verify their outputs or displays. RTD simulation works with older instruments with fixed excitation currents and newer multichannel instruments that switch the excitation current between input channels.
  • Checkout all your 4 to 20 mA loops & instruments
    With the built-in milliamp calibrator you can check, calibrate and measure all your current signal instruments in a 4 to 20 milliamp loop. It can be used at any access point in your loop. Source & Read 0.000 to 24.000 mA, Simulate a 2 Wire Transmitter or use the PIE 311Plus to simultaneously power your 2 Wire Transmitter and measure its output while simulating the sensor input.
  • Easy to use in the Plant, Field or Shop
    With the PIE 311Plus you can check & calibrate all your RTD instruments, measure RTD Sensors, and calibrate 4 to 20 milliamp instruments. Automatic indication of connections on the display for simple hookups. Carry it without worry – it comes protected with a rubber boot and rugged, low profile switches. Easy to operate even in dark areas with the backlit display.
  • Fast calibration with automatic output stepping
    Choose between 2, 3, 5, 11 and 21 steps to automatically increment the output in 100%, 50%, 25%, 10% or 5% of span. Select the step time to match your system from 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 60 seconds.
  • Optional Accessories
    Magnet strap(020-0236)
Copyright 2024 by Rex Instruments 201401004426 (1080500-W)
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